Summer school chémoinformatics+ 2023

Chemoinformatics is a major discipline in theoretical chemistry that use innovative methods as artificial intelligence, molecular modeling and others computationals methods that help in the decision in chemistry.

In the scope of the European master Chemoinformatics+ (a join Erasmus Mundus master), Université Paris Cité organize a summer school of 3 days, from June 26 to June 28, 2023.


On June 26, an hackathon is schedule for master students, Ph.D and post doc. The plan is to work on chemoinformatics and molecular modeling using different tools. The hackathon is co-organise with the OpenEye company which will propose to use some of their internal tools.


On June 27, we will have a symposium on the recent development in chemoinformatics and molecular modeling. More than 15 presentations including keynotes speakers, presentation from pharmaceutical companies, biotechs and young scientists formed in our French masters chemoinformatics and In Silico Drug design are planned. It will be also the opportunity for masters, doctorants and others to present their work during the poster’s sessions.


On June 28, the results obtained by the students during the hackathon will be presented. It will be followed with a discussion between the industrials and the young scientists. The idea is for industrials to present their daily works to students, to explain their expectations for a young scientist to join their groups and to answer their questions.


-  For your notice. On 26 juin we will have an hackathon day : It is compulsory for the students from the Chemoinformatics+ master. Il is also open for the students (masters and doctorants) from others institutes. The maximum of capacitiy is 50 students. We will work closely with the OpenEye company  on chemoinformatics and molecular modelling problems.



    logo choisi lors du congrès 1999



-  For your notice. On 26 juin we will have an hackathon day : It is compulsory for the students from the Chemoinformatics+ master. Il is also open for the students (masters and doctorants) from others institutes. The maximum of capacitiy is 50 students. We will work closely with the OpenEye company  on chemoinformatics and molecular modelling problems.



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